Manage Parking Expectations With DTI’s Queue Management
Posted on 07.17.14

Delcan Technologies offers enhanced queue management services that alleviate congestion and increase security. In its simplest form, DTI’s Queue Management program answers the question of where you are going to park and when. It assists parks and large tourist attractions in organizing the large influx of people in and out of the facility by managing congestion at drop-off points, optimizing the use of parking spaces, and reducing overflow.

Custom Solutions

DTI’s Queue Management program is not just a software plug-in. The service provides custom solutions to best meet the needs of the client. DTI offers consulting services to analyze the parking patterns and the client environment to determine what types of queue management tools and services should be used.

Enhanced Security

Queue Management allows you to monitor who has been let in to the facility, where they are going, and how long they have been there. Facilities management and security can work together to ensure the smooth and safe transport and parking of vehicles. In addition, security departments will be able to quickly locate vehicles, monitor abnormal patterns, and direct checkpoints.

Seamless Integration

DTI’s Queue Management program pulls data from existing signs, sensors, and equipment and integrates that data into central management system. The Intelligent NETworks Parking module allows the users to access the system through a single control center system.

Custom Reporting

Custom reporting provides facility managers with the tools and resources they need to manage expectations, improve security, and reduce congestion.