NTCIP Interoperability Showcase
Posted on 06.17.11

The NTCIP Interoperability Showcase at the 2011 ITS World Congress is a full-scale demonstration to display the interoperability of commercially available NTCIP-compliant products.

This event is sponsored by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) with support from ITS America, one of the three event organizers.  The NTCIP Interoperability Showcase is hosted within the booths of several manufacturers and vendors during the ITS World Congress in Orlando, Florida.  NEMA member companies will be demonstrating NTCIP interoperability in a free-form configuration mimicking real-life situations.

Using a wireless communications network inside of the exhibition hall, each device and central system is interconnected allowing demonstrations in an ad-hoc setup. Conflicts such as competing messages displayed on the same DMS will be handled as done in real life, i.e., the message priority will determine whether the current message is replaced by another message.

The diagram below shows the conceptual setup of the NTCIP Interoperability Showcase.


NEMA has prepared a flyer announcing this event and will distribute it prior to the ITS World Congress.

DTI has taken a lead role in this demonstration showcase by designing and coordinating the efforts including configuration development, provision of main wireless access point, interaction with ITS America (with NEMA staff), and dry-run testing.  DTI will provide several fully NTCIP-compliant pieces of equipment for this showcase including its central system, ATC traffic controller, ESS weather station controller, and CCTV camera.

More information is available on NEMA and the ITS World Congress.